It was complete with dragons and knights and even a royal throne. What made it so spectacular though was the bride and groom and their wedding attendants. The guys were dressed in white tuxes with pale green vests. The young women wore pale green dresses. The bride and groom were dressed totally in white and shared their first kiss after becoming husband and wife. It was like taking part in a fairy tale, except it really happened and we were witnesses.
I always watch the groom instead of watching for the bride. I like to see his face when he sees his bride. Andrew did not disappoint me! His face lit up with a wonderful smile I won't forget. The ceremony was simple, but focused on the covenant they were making. You may question whether courtship works; let me tell you it does. Amanda and Andrew are a perfect example!
Yesterday Donald was in the living room with the kids. They were laughing and cutting up. Hannah came into the kitchen, looked at me rather seriously and asked, "Why DID you marry him?" At a total loss for words I just started laughing. Even Donald laughed; hopefully I didn't offend him by not having a ready answer! I hardly ever am at a loss for words~! It was absolutely the funniest thing I have heard in a long time. Gotta love that girl!
(Thanks to Shiela for the picture of us.)
Bright still hoping for a bite. Isn't he sitting pretty?
Birthday kiddos! Bethany and Daniel
Now I only have to wait until August. Ben's birthday is the 11th, Rebekah's the 12th, and Donald's is the 15th. What a busy week that will be~!