Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A song for today

The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. Psalm 118:14

I'm pretty sure I've discovered how important it is for me to have a song in my heart. Some days I just wake up with a line from a song in my heart and I find myself singing it over and over all day. I used to NEVER sing out loud for I am not blessed with a good voice. God tells us to make a joyful noise to the Lord and I'm afraid I fall into that category. But I can, and often do, offer this sacrifice of praise to my God.

The past week I have not had a song. Life has been a struggle and I have not had much joy in my life. I have let circumstances and words control me. I have really tried to snap out of it.......maybe that's my problem. The "me" in my life usually gets me in trouble. I really can do nothing of myself. The only way to have peace in this life is through Him. He lives in me so I am set. I have victory through Him. Why do I not "know" that some days and let "me" be in charge?

The fact is I need His salvation EVERY day. I know my name is written in His book and I do not need to continue asking Him for that kind of salvation. But I still need saving. I need saving from myself mainly. I need saving from circumstances that I let control me........not the circumstances themselves but from the way I view them and think of them. I need a new perspective; His perspective, not my own.

I'm asking God for a song for today. And I'm listening.

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