I said in my first post I had nothing to say. Nevertheless, I seem to have said plenty. Maybe it's because I'm rather talkative and I tend to be fairly open and honest about my life. Anyway it's been fun so far. I have found though that blogging has shown me that I am in dire need of some technology in my life.
I find myself wishing for a digital camera. I see so many things I need a picture of so I can blog about it. Rebekah and I were sitting outdoors the other day and three squirrels across the street in our neighbor's yard caught my attention. They were all sitting there in a row in exactly the same positions, each behind the other, just begging for me to take a picture and write a story about them. Rebekah ran in and got her camera, but of course the moment was lost forever by the time she returned.
Then there's the bird nest on our roof that the wind and rain blew out of the tree the other day. I find myself wondering if it belonged to the birds that kept pestering our cat. They seem to be leaving him alone so I guess their young are grown or deceased. That's a sad thought, but I did find one baby bird in our back yard and a wing beside the house so I'm not being entirely morbid. I don't blame them in the least for trying to attack Jupiter. In the end I think he was beginning to tire of their harassment. We certainly were getting tired of all the noise they made.
It's been a fairly uneventful day except for grocery shopping at Walmart. The kids are thrilled to have a full pantry and refrigerator so I guess it was worth it. I'm just glad no one asked me at the time, for I'm sure I would have disagreed~!
1 comment:
"...I seem to have said plenty. Maybe it's because I'm rather talkative and I tend to be fairly open and honest about my life. Anyway it's been fun so far. I have found though that blogging has shown me that I am in dire need of some technology in my life."
Wow can't find a better description about myself than this :)
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