Yesterday was such an exciting day for me~! I couldn't decide whether to post about my invitation to try out for the Mavs Dancers or the phone call I received earlier in the day. Because I love the Mavs so much I decided the possibility of getting to dance near them was probably number one on my list. I haven't started exercising yet, but since the auditions aren't until August 11th I have a few days to relish the thought of being invited. There is a slight problem though. The eleventh is Ben's birthday; maybe he will want to go with me if he believes there is a possibility of meeting some of his favorite basketball players. Maybe he can play a little one on one with one of them while I practice my moves.
Now on to the phone call. I was outside with the dog when Hannah brought me the phone. The lady on the other end told me I had won a prize at their give away. Our cable company now has phone service in our area so I had gone up Friday to sign up. We will have our cable, internet service, and phone service all on one bill and save money also. The saving money part was the clincher. While I was there I noticed a box where you could sign up for prizes to be given away.
While I was waiting my turn I signed up.
Now the only thing I have ever won was a live pig. I kid you not, I won a live baby pig when I was a senior in high school. Now I went to a small school and we had a Halloween carnival every October. Merchants or people would donate things and we would sell chances on them to raise money for...........you know, I don't actually know what we raised money for. Anyway the school's secretary's husband raised hogs and they had a bunch of baby pigs. He donated one and for some stupid reason I bought a chance and WON THE PIG~! That is the only thing I have ever won until yesterday.
After working on Rebekah's bank statement and not being ready to tackle my own I had the brilliant idea that we should take a break and go eat Mexican food. I won't drop any names here but it's the one where Donald says he's going to sprinkle my ashes in the flower bed after I'm gone because I love that place so much. After we ate I went to claim my prize........being relatively certain it wasn't a live pig.
It was in a neat black zippered bag not quite the right size for it to be a laptop. Hey one can wish~! I couldn't wait to get home so I dug right in as soon as the car door had closed. I won the following items.....2 tee shirts with the company's logo on them, plastic cups with the company's logo on them, a pencil, pen, and neat pad with the company's logo on them, a certificate for a free month of either cable, phone, or Internet service (with the company's logo on it) and a $25 gift card for Chili's.
It was in a neat black zippered bag not quite the right size for it to be a laptop. Hey one can wish~! I couldn't wait to get home so I dug right in as soon as the car door had closed. I won the following items.....2 tee shirts with the company's logo on them, plastic cups with the company's logo on them, a pencil, pen, and neat pad with the company's logo on them, a certificate for a free month of either cable, phone, or Internet service (with the company's logo on it) and a $25 gift card for Chili's.
Now I have to decide who to take with me to eat at Chili's. I told my family I was going to have a week's contest and whoever was the nicest to me during that week gets to go. One contest calls for another, and I need to make the most of this situation.
It wasn't a laptop or digital camera, but it wasn't a pig either~! Maybe I'll have a bacon cheeseburger when I go to Chili's.
1 comment:
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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