Thanksgiving is over and the Christmas Season has officially begun at our house. We even have newly purchased packages of Christmas lights waiting to be put on our house. While putting up our tree Thanksgiving night we found that almost every string of lights for our tree wasn't working properly. Donald said "trash em" and Ben and Hannah made a Wal-Mart run.
Donald helped me in the kitchen while I finished cooking our Thanksgiving meal. I figure he shaved 1 1/2 to 2 hours off the preparation time. He opened cans, washed dishes, emptied the contents of cans, washed dishes, stirred things, washed dishes, got things I needed thus saving me many trips to the pantry, washed dishes; did I mention that he washed a few dishes??? I really appreciated his help and enjoyed cooking with him. The dressing was especially good; he determined it to be because of the great stirring he administered while mixing the ingredients.
I really have the Christmas spirit. I've decided it's because I've already started shopping and have several gifts underneath the tree. Seriously though I am so far ahead of myself this year. Usually about the middle of December I realize I need to start thinking about it. Maybe it's because I live life so much differently now that I used to. I used to have to be prepared and plan forever before anything. There's much less stress this way. Or maybe it's just combined into one frantic frenzy instead of spilled out over many days. I prefer it this way.
I have been singing "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas".......and am thinking about Christmas Vacation. I love that movie~! Chevy Chase is great as Clark Griswold. Maybe it's because of family holidays we've experienced that I love this so much. I can just relate to the whole scenario. I hope a squirrel doesn't fly out of our artificial tree and I'm holding my breath that the cat doesn't get inside and get fried underneath a chair. I think the reason I love it so much is because it makes me laugh every time I see it!
We always watch a Christmas movie Thanksgiving night. We only have Miracle on 34th
Street on VHS and last year the sound was really bad. You can't buy it in town or at least the kids couldn't find it. So I've ordered it online and hopefully it will be here soon. We opted for While You Were Sleeping and decided to add it to our list of have to watch movies at Christmas. It's a Wonderful Life and White Christmas have to be viewed also.
I've been thinking about making Caramel Popcorn. That sounds pretty good right about now. We had chicken, onion, sweet pepper, mozzarella, and cheddar cheese fajitas for lunch. It's about time for dessert. Guess I'll go pour some popcorn in the hot air popper and go from there. Either way you can't miss with popcorn.
1 comment:
Christmas Vacation! Oh I just LOVE that movie. I look forward to watching it every year!
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