Saturday, December 22, 2007

Excellent Advice

I signed up for an E-quip Devotional from Kevin Kinchen quite some time ago. I have mentioned him before I believe. The devotional I received today says this. It is so true and so awesome!
(Pastor Kevin Kinchen /

"Folks, the bottom line is Jesus wants to be your PEACE! He wants to be your COMFORT. He wants to be your PATIENCE. He wants to be your STRENGTH. He wants to be your POWER. So, STOP trying to make it on your own. STOP being so stubborn and set on figuring it all out by yourself. You simply will NOT succeed that way. CAST ALL YOUR CARES ON HIM......because HE CARES FOR YOU! That means HE will do "the caring" for you! You don't have to stay awake all night "caring" about all your problems. Let the Lord "care" about them! Let HIM handle them! Amen? Amen! Dive into the Lord and into His Word and His Presence and let Him infuse you with His STRENGTH and His POWER. Let Him take that thing you have been so frustrated and confused about and watch as He turns it into PEACE and PATIENCE. Ooooooh I hope you are catching this! I will leave you with this last sobering thought. I came to this incredible revelation the other day. No matter how tough your situation is you are going through, no matter how hard it is, and no matter how impossible it may seem that you will make it, GOD IS ENOUGH. And the other part of that is the fact that you can either TRUST HIM and go through this thing HAPPY and FULL OF JOY, or you can TRUST YOURSELF and go through it FRUSTRATED AND FRAZZLED. But you know what? Either way, you are going to go through it. That is just LIFE. You have to go through some STUFF, everybody does. I figure, you and I might as well go through it HAPPY and FULL OF JOY, amen? Amen! It sure beats the alternative, that's for sure."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, man, thanks for sharing this message. I'm going to read it over and over and over ...!

Have a wonderful Christmas!
Susan M.