Yesterday was my birthday. Our family loves birthdays. The presents were set out on the hearth with great care. The cheesecake Rebekah made was prepared lovingly and chosen by me. The girls took me out for lunch and Ben took Daniel to work so I could go. Little did I know. After lunch we ran by Rebekah's work because she needed to do something; later I found out she was stalling. My friend Nancy had asked me to come by her house because she had a treat for my birthday. I should of known something was going on when Hannah, Bethany, and Rebekah all went inside with me. I wondered why they were going in, but Nancy is such a gracious person I knew she wouldn't care. Imagine my surprise when the sun room doors were opened and a roomful of my friends begin singing, "Happy Birthday." There were balloons and cards and two cakes and pie and cookies and crackers and dip and diet coke.
Guess who didn't cook dinner because she wasn't hungry?? Yep, that's right.....me! We had cheesecake and I opened my presents from my family. I received a collage picture frame, DVD "Out of Africa," a can of cashews, Crunch and Munch, a bag of bath stuff with a bath pillow and dino-fizz stegosaurus egg, and some face wash and day creme that promises to make me look years younger. You probably won't recognize me after I use it! I'm not sure if I'll look quite like the lady in the picture, but she looks great.
Rebekah made Donald go to Wal-Mart Monday night to get me a birthday card. It wasn't "exactly" what she had in mind, but it made me laugh and I loved it. Maybe Hannah can take pictures of my gifts later.
When Donald and I got in from Celebrate Recovery Jeffrey jumped out and surprised us. He is on medical leave from the Air Force and it was just great to see him. Jon and Johanna's Josie was born on my birthday also. What a perfect day~!
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