We had a wonderful family reunion this weekend in Houston. Kudos to Mike and Glenda for hosting and arranging the weekend. We stayed at a really nice Comfort Suites and had a microwave and small refrigerator in our room. I wish all the places I'll ever stay at are as nice as this one!
We arrived a little after 3:00 p.m. Friday. We actually made it without a bit of trouble. Well, I invented a bit of trouble for myself. We took two cars as it is hard to seat seven adults in my minivan comfortably for six hours. So three of the kids were in the jeep and I was frantic about them. I could see losing them in Houston somewhere along the tollway (hopefully) and never being able to find them. I revert back to my "old nature" quite easily in some situations. I should have just prayed and trusted God, but I didn't. I realized I am quite a control freak.
Mike and Glenda fed us Friday night and Mike played and sang some old songs for us. He used to have a band in the "old" days. He played some country and some CCR so it was well rounded. Donald's sister, Glenda, sang "Crazy" by Patsy Cline. She did a really good job. Mike tried to get the rest of us to come up to the microphone and sing. I really didn't want to clear the room and ruin the start of something good so I didn't even contemplate singing. Maybe the others had similar feelings or were just too shy, but he couldn't get anyone to cooperate.
Saturday part of us went to the Galleria mall and ended up spending our time there waiting and eating at the Cheesecake Factory. It was fantastic. The Key Lime Cheesecake that Annette and I shared for dessert gave new meaning to the word "superb." Then we met the guys and Mandy and went to Minute Maid Park to see an Astros/Chicago Cubs baseball game. Now I do not like baseball, but it really was different being at the game. I might could become a fan if I could see them live. Oh, the Astros won 4-1. After the game we had reservations at Cafe Adobe. It was late, but the restaurant was humming with activity. I suppose life doesn't stop in Houston just because it's late.
Sunday morning we all went back to Glenda and Mike's to visit a while longer and say goodbye to everyone. Tammy, Lauren, Trevor, Courtney, Michael, and Landon couldn't make it and we missed them. It was also good to spend time with Doug and Patty who live close to us but whom we never see. Ronnie always keeps us laughing and I hadn't seen Cody or Brian in years. We really have to get together again.
When I first met Donald I didn't know what to make of his large, noisy family. I have one brother and we were a relatively quiet family. I love it and them!
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