This has been a good morning. Every morning is a gift from God and good in it's own way, but sometimes I fail to slow down long enough to notice.
I have unloaded the dishwasher, loaded the dishwasher, cleaned the kitchen, vacuumed the living room and our bedroom, cleaned our bathroom REALLY good (which translates our house smells of bleach and Hannah hates it), doing laundry; well, you get the picture. Since it's trash day I took another bag to the curb so it would be sure to go today. Chicken packaging will not smell very good by Thursday!
I was really HOT from my activities and as I walked out of the garage the WONDERFUL COOL AIR hit me in the face. Maybe it was because as it came into contact with the sweat on my face I became aware of how great it is. I stopped long enough to walk around my house on my unfinished walkway and praised God for the cool breeze and the miracle of my yard once again. He has totally transformed my barren wasteland into a beautiful yard that I love to walk in.
Now I have been getting frustrated that I haven't had time to work in it and continue on with my ideas. Yesterday after talking with Pam I realized it's just time to enjoy what is there and not fret about what else I want to do. So this morning I just enjoyed it while talking to God.
Seasons change and sometimes I miss it.
Ecclesiastes 3:11-13 (God's Word Translation)
It is beautiful how God has done everything at the right time. He has put a sense of eternity in people's minds. Yet, mortals still can't grasp what God is doing from the beginning to the end [of time]. I realize that there's nothing better for them to do than to be cheerful and enjoy what is good in their lives. It is a gift from God to be able to eat and drink and experience the good that comes from every kind of hard work.
It is beautiful how God has done everything at the right time. He has put a sense of eternity in people's minds. Yet, mortals still can't grasp what God is doing from the beginning to the end [of time]. I realize that there's nothing better for them to do than to be cheerful and enjoy what is good in their lives. It is a gift from God to be able to eat and drink and experience the good that comes from every kind of hard work.
Amen...every morning is a gift from God! Oh if more people would only realize that, maybe they would slow down and really enjoy life just a little bit better and live for what's really important, God and family.
Oooo I love the smell of bleach! But then again I love any type of laundry product like soap, fabric softener, etc. :-)
I have been noticing as I come down the stairs each morning and enter the living room how cold it is getting. We don't keep the a/c on either so the air comes in through the fireplace I think, but it's getting cooler in the evenings and early morning hours...hooray for fall!
I have never heard of God's Word Translation. Is it a newer Bible?
God Bless You! Begin your mornings walking with our Father!
~ Dawn (new reader)
I am glad to hear you are having a good day. God is so good!! Yes take time to enjoy all that God has given you. My days have been better lately also. I just finished a book "Look At It This Way" by Jan Silvious. One of the chapters was titled "Fretting only destroys you." It is a really good book. Gave me a lot to think about. love you, CR partner
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