I received one of those get to know you emails from my cousin. One of the questions asked if I have a special talent. The answer came quite easily. My reply? Yes, being me!
On first blush it seems that is not a talent. It's just something you are. Maybe so for some. For me it has been a process. I definitely am not who I once was. God has changed me. I hope He continues to change me the rest of my life.
I was very shy and insecure growing up. I was first born and have been called teacher's pet, miss goody two shoes, and other names along the same lines. I didn't buck authority, did my homework, and was loved by my teachers. My parents loved me also; in this case it just falls into the category of "of course they did, you are their daughter." I realize not all children were/are so fortunate.
I never really liked myself very much until I discovered I am who God made me to be and He thinks I'm great. Okay, maybe I'm slow in that area, but I think lots of people struggle with this.
I was always the first one to criticize myself and could give you many reasons why I wasn't any good in a particular area. I was really down on myself.
When asked what the greatest commandment was Jesus replied, " Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'
I'm here to tell you it's hard to succeed at that one if you don't love yourself. I don't mean an arrogant "it's all about me" attitude. I'm talking about finding out who you are in Christ and what He thinks about you.
It will totally change your life when it drops into your heart. By the grace of God I am not what I once was! I like me...I am a child of the King and I am fearfully and wonderfully made. God delights in me!!
My thanks goes to God and our wonderful pastor for the teaching on grace that we received week after week. I believe we all have a treasure hidden within. It just needs to be revealed to us by our heavenly Father!
I LIKE YOU too, Sarah!!! I like who you are, how you are, your talents, your gifts, your personality, your looks, your wit, your wisdom!
I'm glad that you're my friend!
Praise the Lord you are seeing who God made you to be. You are a special person. A true gift to so many people and most of all to your family. I treasure our friendship. love CR partner
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