I went with Bethany to Sherman today. It was a lot of fun. Well, at least for a while it was. We went to Chick-fil-A for lunch. I had several ideas on where to eat and Bethany didn't like those: she had several ideas that I didn't like so we ended up there. It's a good place to eat and wasn't fast fast food so in we went. We ordered our meals and I went to get straws, napkins, and ketchup while Bethany got us a booth. I came back, sat down, and pushed the table which almost went flying across the floor. Well, maybe I'm being a little dramatic, but the tray slid across the table at breakneck speed and Bethany's lemonade fell over, the lid came off, and like a great wave splashed all over the table, seat, floor, and on her. She made a valiant effort to retrieve it before it fell, but I was just too fast for her.
Jeez, this reminds me of having little kids and here I am the one making the mess. A very nice lady came and cleaned up the floor and Bethany got another lemonade. She wouldn't let me touch the table after that. I promise you...that table had a problem. If you touched it, it rocked. So I ate the rest of my meal trying not to touch the table. I was even very careful when I dipped my waffle fries in the ketchup. You just can't be too cautious after an accident like that.
Our feet even stuck to the floor when we got up to leave. Anyone care to go to lunch with me tomorrow?
I would love to go to lunch tomorrow. We can make a mess together. CR partner
Eddie says you can take care of this problem next Tuesday night provided we have enough napkins. :)
you call them waffle fries?? Mom,they're just fries...that's all you have to call them :)
Hello :-) Just taking a few minutes to catch up on blogs! Hope all is going well! Blessings!
Oh Sarah, what a funny story. Although, I know it probably did not seem funny at the time. It gave me a chuckle though. :)
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