Has the commonplace ever become just that to you? Commonplace. I'm afraid that's what happened to me over the course of time. I stopped seeing God in everything and experiencing Him in everything. How it happened, I'm not sure, but it did.
Then today God found me...once again.
Donald had downloaded some music on my iPod shuffle. I was listening today and found this song. I had no idea who it was other than she sounded a bit like Leah Nash. Ben came in and I pulled the earplug out and asked, "WHO is this?" He told me her name is Kari Jobe; she is awesome~! I played this one song again and again and am still playing it. Once again God has used His gift of music to draw me to experience His love for me.

Sanctuary / Kari Jobe
People, places
names and faces
they come and they go, leaving traces
sometimes my world gets filled with so much noise
that my heart gets pulled away
but i find my peace in you
and if i seek, i will find.
a treasure in you that time can't take away
pure and holy
in a secret place i'll find you there
pure and holy
in a secret place i'll find you there.
i'll find you there
oh to be washed in the water of your holy words
and oh to be healed by the touch of your hands
in your sanctuary
pure and holy
in a secret room i'll find you there.
pure and holy
in the secret room i'll find you there
i'll find you there
1 comment:
Hey Sarah, we sing a couple of her songs at church. I LOVE her voice too!!!
I know what you mean about "the commonplace" but God always brings us around.
It was good to see your face and to hug you today. Thanks for the pic of Amie too. Isn't she adorable!!!!!!!
I love you so much,
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