Zephaniah 3:17 has been one of my favorite verses for a long time. "The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." My dear friend Connie sent me an e-card with that verse this morning. It is simply perfect! Yesterday my Heavenly Father did those things for me.
I started off the morning by receiving a call from our benefits department telling me that the doctor's office wouldn't budge on switching the codes. We needed the primary code to be the screening code and the secondary code to be the medical one for our insurance to pay our claims at 100%. It seemed that it simply wasn't going to happen. I went back to the doctor's office once more for another appeal. I ended up getting an appointment for next week to talk to the doctor about it. Can you tell that I'm a very persistent person?? Tenacious maybe??
On my way home I was burdened by this on-going scenario and was thinking about what Donald had asked me the night before...what do I want for my birthday? I cried out to God that what I really wanted was to be able to quit worrying about this problem. I came home and proceeded to call our benefits department yet again. While it was going through the voice message that I had heard several dozen times by now my cell phone started ringing. It was the doctor's office and she told me that she had called our insurance and was told that it is legal for her to file our claim that way and she is taking care of it!!!!! She had even called the hospital explaining the situation and that she was refiling. It should be totally paid this way!
I immediately fell to my knees beside our bed and started sobbing, thanking God for what He had done. It was truly Him, He can move mountains in our lives and quiet us with His love. I feel that a huge weight has been lifted and the sun is shining even though it is rainy and cloudy today. I still feel such a sense of relief and God's love for me.
Zephaniah 3:17 is a felt reality in my life today!
I am so happy for you and yes God is so good. I am glad the b-card blessed you. I love you much!!!! CR partner
So glad they stepped up to the "plate". I was ready to go to "bat" for you...been there, done that!! HE helped you "beat the system"!!!!
Blessings, Shirley
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