Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Bacon Cheeseburgers

Yesterday was such an exciting day for me~! I couldn't decide whether to post about my invitation to try out for the Mavs Dancers or the phone call I received earlier in the day. Because I love the Mavs so much I decided the possibility of getting to dance near them was probably number one on my list. I haven't started exercising yet, but since the auditions aren't until August 11th I have a few days to relish the thought of being invited. There is a slight problem though. The eleventh is Ben's birthday; maybe he will want to go with me if he believes there is a possibility of meeting some of his favorite basketball players. Maybe he can play a little one on one with one of them while I practice my moves.

Now on to the phone call. I was outside with the dog when Hannah brought me the phone. The lady on the other end told me I had won a prize at their give away. Our cable company now has phone service in our area so I had gone up Friday to sign up. We will have our cable, internet service, and phone service all on one bill and save money also. The saving money part was the clincher. While I was there I noticed a box where you could sign up for prizes to be given away.

While I was waiting my turn I signed up.

Now the only thing I have ever won was a live pig. I kid you not, I won a live baby pig when I was a senior in high school. Now I went to a small school and we had a Halloween carnival every October. Merchants or people would donate things and we would sell chances on them to raise money for...........you know, I don't actually know what we raised money for. Anyway the school's secretary's husband raised hogs and they had a bunch of baby pigs. He donated one and for some stupid reason I bought a chance and WON THE PIG~! That is the only thing I have ever won until yesterday.

After working on Rebekah's bank statement and not being ready to tackle my own I had the brilliant idea that we should take a break and go eat Mexican food. I won't drop any names here but it's the one where Donald says he's going to sprinkle my ashes in the flower bed after I'm gone because I love that place so much. After we ate I went to claim my prize........being relatively certain it wasn't a live pig.

It was in a neat black zippered bag not quite the right size for it to be a laptop. Hey one can wish~! I couldn't wait to get home so I dug right in as soon as the car door had closed. I won the following items.....2 tee shirts with the company's logo on them, plastic cups with the company's logo on them, a pencil, pen, and neat pad with the company's logo on them, a certificate for a free month of either cable, phone, or Internet service (with the company's logo on it) and a $25 gift card for Chili's.

Now I have to decide who to take with me to eat at Chili's. I told my family I was going to have a week's contest and whoever was the nicest to me during that week gets to go. One contest calls for another, and I need to make the most of this situation.

It wasn't a laptop or digital camera, but it wasn't a pig either~! Maybe I'll have a bacon cheeseburger when I go to Chili's.

Monday, July 30, 2007


I haven't had anything blog worthy the last several days. Now, all at once, I have several creditable topics. I think I'll discuss this one today and maybe the other ones later.

I received an email today that could change my life. You see, I have been invited to audition for a chance to be a Dallas Maverick Dancer~! Here is just a part of my invitation......

"Attention all ladies! Want to be part of the hottest dance team in the NBA? If you are a high school graduate, at least 18 years old, energetic and love to perform in front of large crowds - the Mavs want YOU to tryout to be a part of the Dallas Mavericks Dancers."

I have to go shopping for a few items. Here is the list of things I need in order to try out.
Half top (any style, any color)
Short shorts (any style, any color)
Nude hose (any brand)
White socks
White shoes –dancer sneakers or athletic brands

At least I have the white socks. The other items should be relatively easy to come by. At the bottom of the email is an ad for "Planet Tan" with free enrollment and a FREE Super starter kit including tanning goggles, lotion packets and moisturizer.

Maybe I better work on my tan before I leave for the auditions. I will have plenty of time because I am not required to have my own routine.......I will learn all the dance combinations at the audition.

All of a sudden my life is full of possibilities and adventure..........

Friday, July 27, 2007

Altogether Lovely

It's 4:40 a.m. I should be in bed sleeping. What am I doing blogging at this hour??

Well, it's like this..........I am struggling with asthma/bronchitis junk and some other stuff that I won't go into. Let's just say I can't sleep and leave it at that. But in the middle of all of this I have this phrase from a song going on in my head:

And here I am to worship,
here I am to bow down,
here I am to say that you're my God
You're altogether lovely,
altogether worthy,
altogether wonderful to me.

How awesome is our God~!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Beautiful Feet

"How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!"

This verse in Isaiah describes perfectly what I need to say. I decided to clean the refrigerator today; I mean really clean it. Instead of taking one drawer out at a time as I usually do, I took the two larger ones out at the same time. After washing and drying them and the refrigerator I tried to put the bottom one back where it belonged. I couldn't make it go in all the way.

So I take everything out and it fits together perfectly while it is sitting on the floor. Seeing as how it won't keep my food cold on the floor beside the refrigerator I try to put it back and it still won't work. After doing this over and over for about 15 minutes I get frustrated enough to go dig out the instruction manual. Drastic circumstances call for drastic measures~!

It turns out I was doing it correctly. So I tried again to no avail. Rebekah comes in for lunch, takes one look at it, and says to try the other drawer that is still sitting on the cabinet. Seeing as how I had nothing to lose and being sure I had the correct one in the first place I took her advice.

It fit perfectly and closed all the way~!

So now my refrigerator drawers are back where they belong and I have done something I have never done before.

I literally kissed her foot~! Since I was on the floor anyway and her foot was there it seemed the proper thing to do at the time to express my gratitude. That is how Isaiah 52:7 fits this post.
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Monday, July 23, 2007

Description of Self

I have been struggling for quite some time with a bad attitude involving a particular person. My attitude is only bad when I think of said person though. :o) Isn't that what we sometimes do: justify our faults, giving reasons why they are justifiable?

Yesterday afternoon God arranged a meal with said person and our family. I decided to have a good attitude but couldn't make it stick. It is one of those things that just eats at me and steals my joy. I had gone to a wedding shower/reception with our three youngest children for a really special couple. It was out of town so we were to meet everyone at the restaurant at 5:00 p.m.

When we pulled onto the parking lot Ben stopped the car, looked at us and said, "Remember, it doesn't cost anything to be nice." Sometimes I am ashamed when my kids exhibit more maturity than I do. However God really spoke to me through Ben. It would of cost something for me (dying to self) if it hadn't been one of those God moments. We had a nice meal and even came back to our house and I made cookies for everyone.

I can't say that I'm over it and next time will be wonderful. I'm sure it won't be. I'm certain I'll still struggle with my attitude. To make my point I looked up a word in the dictionary. I started to use the word "worse" and decided to see what it said about it. (I love words and the on-line dictionary if you haven't noticed.) When I entered the word worse it took me to the word bad and said the inflected forms are worse and worst. Then it listed many words that describe me perfectly in this situation. I'll list some of them so you'll get the idea: poor, unfavorable, spoiled, dilapidated, evil, disobedient, disagreeable, unpleasant, injurious, harmful, severe, incorrect, faulty, unhealthy, and diseased.

These adjectives depict me perfectly at times. I'm not perfect nor will I ever be in this life. But my Saviour is and He gives me victory if I'll walk in Him.

John 15:5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Still Resting

I have gotten in the habit of using the captions on televisions or movies. Once I started I "have" to have it. It's amazing how sometimes missing one word in a movie makes or breaks it. I can't think of an example right now, but I love the captions. Of course with my hearing loss I'm sure I need it. My family is very supportive of allowing me this luxury unless it appears in the middle of the character's faces. I have to admit that stinks. So I turn it off if that happens.

We were watching a rerun of CSI: Miami last night. During one scene where the climatic music was playing the caption read, "Distorted vocals crooning." We had a laugh about that, but then I got to thinking about it.

In my Christian walk I sometimes feel that way. At times I feel that I am being pulled in so many different directions. Maybe it's just because I am an indecisive person to begin with, but I can usually come up with several options left to myself. While some of these may not be destructive or wrong I want the "right" choice for me.

I realized that is why Proverbs 16:9 is one of my favorite verses: "A man's heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps."

Even though I had something I wanted to help with today but wasn't able to, I can have peace and not be upset about it. Maybe I just need to be here to pray for Donald and Daniel as they tackle a plumbing project in the bathroom. Maybe I have just needed to rest the past several days. But the whys don't matter because I know God is directing my steps.

Friday, July 20, 2007

I get down

The last few days I haven't felt very well. I think it's a combination of allergies/asthma stuff. I believe it's really related to spiritual warfare though. I got bold and made a statement about trusting God and here I am with a perfect opportunity to put into practice what I said I was going to do.

I don't know about you, but it's hard to fight when I don't feel well. I tend to focus on myself and what I need to do but don't feel like doing. But that's okay. If I fail, He will pick me up again.

There is a song by Audio Adrenalin called "Get Down." The words are really neat. I especially love the choruses.

Lavishly our lives are wasted
Humbleness is left untasted
You can't live your life to please yourself , yeah
That's a tip from my mistakes
Exactly what it doesn't take
To win you've got to come in last place
To live your life you've got to lose it
And all the losers get a crown

I get down and
He lifts me up
I get down and
He lifts me up
I get down and
He lifts me up
I get down

All I need's another day
Where I can't seem to get away
From the many things that drag me down, yeah
I'm sure you've had a day like me
Where nothing seems to set you free
From the burdens you can't carry all alone
In your weakness He is stronger
In Your darkness He shines through
When you're crying He's your comfort
When your all alone, He's carrying you

This valley is so deep
I can barely see the sun
I cry out for mercy,
Lord You lift me up again

So regardless of whether I succeed or fail in my quest, God will be glorified. That makes me feel better already.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Trusting in the Battles

This past Sunday we watched a segment of a Beth Moore Bible study in Sunday School. If you haven't done a Beth Moore study you should if you get the chance. She is an awesome woman of God and has a lot of wisdom.

Anyway she made this statement, "I'm in a real mess when I can't figure out how to help God in my life." Sadly I'm afraid this applies to many of us; I certainly fit into this category. As I said in a past post I am usually trying to figure out how to "help" God answer prayer requests on my behalf. As if He needs any help~!

I have decided I need to grow up and trust God completely. I know I will fail, but at least I have a goal. Besides there is no condemnation from Him when I do fall short. He has been talking to me about so many things lately: trust, spiritual battles, trust, love, trust, grace, trust. You are probably getting the picture by now.

Beth also said that we can't always know the mind of God, but we can always know his heart. I like that statement. It helps me to trust Him in whatever He does. I know He loves me and like Paul I am convinced that nothing can separate me from His love.

Romans 8:31-35, 38-39 (The Message)

So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose?

If God didn't hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn't gladly and freely do for us?

And who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God's chosen?

Who would dare even to point a finger? The One who died for us - who was raised to life for us! - is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us.

Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ's love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture:

I'm absolutely convinced that nothing - nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow,

high or low, thinkable or unthinkable - absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

This and That

The past several days have been so busy. During the school year I look forward to all the "free" time I will have in the summer. Once summer arrives I can't seem to find it~! It makes me wonder how I ever find time to home school.

I was excited to be able to spend some time with one of the friends I described in my last post. Joann and I have been friends for over 30 years. Even though we don't see each other often when we do it is always awesome~! Her daughter and one of our daughters are good friends so that makes it even more special when we can spend time together as a foursome as we did this evening. I am blessed to have her as one of my special friends~!

Yesterday Bethany, Daniel, and I spent most of the day in Sherman. Bethany updated her cell phone and I decided to update mine and Donald's. When you can get free phones and you plan on staying with the same company why not?? I now have a camera phone. It probably won't do me much good as I am too cheap to pay to download the pictures or to pay more for that option on our plan. Nevertheless Hannah thinks "we" have a really cool phone. She is convinced she needs a cell phone and I am convinced she doesn't. So she has decided she can call mine "ours."

You gotta love that girl~! And I do immensely.

I have a relatively clean house thanks to everyone. Last night I said something about I needed to clean and Bethany said to tell everyone what to do and we would all pitch in and get 'er done. I mopped the floors while the kids did various chores. I cleaned our bathroom and washed our sheets this afternoon so the house is fairly clean. If only it would stay that way a bit longer than it does. Oh well.........

As you tell I don't have any profound thoughts and really no reason to post. But it's my blog and I can post if I want to. Kinda like the old song, "It's my party and I can cry if I want to." Where in the world did that come from???

Monday, July 16, 2007


Are you blessed with friends? The kind that "sticks closer than a brother?"

I know Solomon says there is nothing new under the sun. I'm sure my experiences are similar to those of others. I have been blessed with some really special friends. Some of them I don't see that often, but
when we are together we just pick right back up where we left off without missing a beat. I love that~!

My friends have came through on numerous occasions when I needed them. They "rescued" me so to speak. Sometimes they rescue me when I don't even realize I need rescuing. Some of my friends can rebuke me and I accept that because I know they love me and are wanting to help and not injure. Some of my friends encourage me with emails and phone calls. Some love my children and accept them as their own. Some have given of themselves and of their possessions in ways that humble me and show me the love of God.

Sadly there are some who for reasons left unsaid have decided we aren't to be "friends" any longer. We have a cordial relationship but that's about as far as it goes. Others are no longer a part of our lives; their choice, not ours. It broke my heart for a while but I have come to accept it now. Maybe these fall into the "seasons of lives" category (Ecclesiastes 3:1 "For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.") Friends will hurt us and let us down at times. We will hurt them also. We are all human and imperfect. But Jesus will never leave or forsake us. We can always depend on Him.

I thank God for my friends who are willing to work on our relationship. When there is a problem we can talk about it and maybe even agree to disagree, but we still love each other.Ecclesiastes 4:10 states, "If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!"

What brought this about? A verse on a CD for a special friend. I love you~!

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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Back to Normal

I started to post last night at midnight and call it Twelve O'clock High. You see, my life is back to normal now. Our kids got home yesterday from their almost week long youth trip. It is so good to have them back where they belong~! But with them came tons of laundry. I was still doing laundry at midnight. My faithful washer and dryer had been running nonstop for over 9 hours. I had baskets and piles of sorted clothes all throughout the kitchen and laundry room. If you went out the door you had to maneuver through the baskets and piles. I still have several loads to do today. Now I remember why I wash clothes every day.

I probably would have been wiser just to load it all up and go to the laundromat. I just can't do that though; that brings back memories I don't like to recall. I am so thankful for my washer and dryer. In fact, when they have to be replaced I already have the ones picked out that I hope to buy. Now I don't know if I'll get them, but one can hope. Maybe the prices will have gone down by then. Do you notice how optimistic I am today?

I also cooked a special dinner for everyone and had even ran the dishwasher twice before bedtime. Things really are back to normal~!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Get off my plane~!

I couldn't get to sleep last night so finally around 2:30 this morning I just got up. Not much is on TV at that hour; at least not that I wanted to watch. I finally found "Air Force One" with Harrison Ford. It has been ages since I've seen that movie so I decided to watch. It was on one of those channels that have more commercials that movie and bad ones at that. I wish we had it on DVD and I could of just popped it in and avoided all the extras. After that I was finally able to sleep so I went back to bed and slept in until around 10:00 this morning.

After I had been up a while I started thinking about the movie. There was one part that particularly impressed me. Harrison Ford is the president of the U.S. and hijackers have taken them all hostage on Air Force One, including his wife and daughter. Near the end of the show the cargo door of the plane is open and he is fighting with one of the hijackers. After a mighty struggle he pushes the bad guy out the door while declaring,"Get off my plane!"

He acted as a man with authority; after all it was his plane, he was the president of the United States~! They weren't just idle words and he said them with force and authority because he could.

Authority is important. Jesus has authority. Even the people back then realized it, even though they may not have recognized him as the Son of God. Luke 4:32 says, "They were amazed at his teaching, because his message had authority."

Romans 13:1 says this: "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God."

1 Timothy 2:1-4 "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone--for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth."

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Rainy Days and Thursdays

I think we are in the middle of a summer monsoon here. Last summer we were in the middle of a drought and water rationing. At least I've only had to water my impatients a couple of times this year. I need to borrow some one's camera and get a picture of them. They are gorgeous if I do say so myself. My kids tease me about how I always kill indoor plants so it's a real big deal to me to actually grow something and have it live.

I was in a store shopping this afternoon and when I started to leave it was POURING. I mean the flash flood kind of pouring. Of course my umbrella was out in the van. It didn't appear to be lightning so I thought of the woman Bethany spun a tale about in her blog. I decided I'd enjoy the moment even if it did mean getting drenched. And saturated I got as I slowly wandered to my car; there was absolutely no need to hurry as it wouldn't of made a bit of difference. By the time I got my bags unloaded it had slowed down and the sun was beginning to peek through the clouds. I'm sure I resembled a drowned something or other as my hair was dripping while I tried to find a few napkins to wipe my glasses so I could see to drive home.

So here I am no worse for the wear and wondering if I enjoyed it as much as I could have. Who knows, I may get another chance to try it again. We have a pretty good chance of rain for the next ten days. If only it were Monday I could try to sing "Rainy Days and Mondays." But since I'm not "down" maybe I should sing something else.

Can you hear me now?

Check out http://www.komando.com/

Kim has some wonderful tips on computers. I subscribe to several of her newsletters also. Today on her "cool site" she was talking about cell phones. She made a statement that started me thinking...........

"Cell phones are, of course, both a curse and a blessing. They are priceless in the event of an emergency. And they keep us connected wherever we go. On the downside, they keep us connected wherever we go!"

My cell phone hardly ever rings unless I am out shopping and one of our kids calls me about something. However it has rang several times at church or in meetings when I forgot to put it on vibrate. Those times were usually embarrassing because I hate creating a disturbance. None of those times were an emergency.

"Can you hear me now?" is a line from a commercial we've probably all seen on TV. I was thinking about my relationship with Jesus and how it in no way mirrors the things I've just written. There is never a downside to being connected with Him. We are always connected to Him and the signal (Holy Spirit) never fades. He always hears us. We don't have to pay a monthly connection fee as his death on the cross paid it all.

I'd rather have Jesus than riches untold.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalms 118:24
The Message says it this way:
This is the very day God acted - let's celebrate and be festive!

Our three youngest kids have been gone since Sunday afternoon. They are on a youth group trip and the house is sure quiet. It's amazing how fewer loads of dishes and laundry I've done this week~! I miss having them around, but the quiet is kinda nice also. You don't get many opportunities to be "home alone" in our household. So today I have spent the morning with the dog. It seems he has eaten something he shouldn't and he has been sick off and on since early Saturday morning. Pets are awesome, but they sure are a lot of trouble and expense at times. After the vet I spent the rest of the morning cleaning carpets.

This afternoon I have been cleaning, doing laundry, ironing, and listening to my play list on iTunes. I am listening to everything from Smokey Robinson's "Tears of a Clown" to The Partridge Family's "I Think I Love You." Hall and Oates (You Make My Dreams Come True), Roy Orbison's "Pretty Woman," CCR's "Who'll Stop the Rain," the BeeGees, Jennifer Knapp, Three Dog Night, the Righteous Brother's "You've Lost That Loving Feeling," Third Day, The Eagles, Kutless, and even The Monkees' "Daydream Believer." And I can't forget Otis Redding's "Sitting on the Dock of the Bay." I am being festive and enjoying the day while doing my work.

I think it's so awesome that I can enjoy God's presence while doing the things I need to do. God can speak to me in whatever music I choose to listen to. I have a wide range of songs, but I believe God has much imagination and likes so many different things. Look at creation, a sunset, people.......we are all so different yet made in His image.

Like the song I'm listening to now says,

Blessed be the name of the Lord, Blessed be your glorious name.
You give and take away, you give and take away,
My heart will choose to say, blessed be your name.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Amazing Grace

I can't get away from grace; not that I want to. God's grace is everywhere. He is so amazing and so loving. Grace makes me love Him more; the thought of grace makes me want to please Him. I have had an amazing time of worship just reading Bethany's blog. God speaks to me in so many different ways.

You can read her post by clicking on http://pinktealetters.blogspot.com/
The part that spoke to me are these lyrics:

I want to hide in You
The Way, the Life, the Truth
So I can disappear
And love is all there is to see
Coming out of me
And You become clear
As I disappear
I don't want to care about earthly things
Be caught up in all the lies that trick my eyes
They say it's all about me
I'm so tired of it being about me

God started speaking to me months ago through my friend, Connie. She kept saying the words it's not about me. My first thought was, "Of course, it's not." Isn't that the Christian thing to say? However God is bringing me away from my head thoughts and making it a heart thing. I begin to realize how much I wanted it to be about me. I came to see that most often I am my own worst enemy. I need to be free; usually from my own thoughts and imaginations. I need Jesus. I need to be centered, my life revolving around Him.

Grace is like worship in that it is a HUGE thing~! I feel like I have barely scratched the surface of it and I wouldn't be able to breathe if God shows me too much at once. I love you, Lord.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Worship is a Huge Thing~!

Yesterday at church we saw a short film clip about worship. At one time I would have said that worship was singing songs in a church building on Sundays or Wednesday night. Although that may be a part of worship you can do that and still not worship God.

The film clip made these statements, "Worship is a HUGE thing!"
"Worship is not about us at all."
"We look at God and place Him above all else because He is worth it."

I especially like the first one: "Worship is a HUGE thing!" There are so many ways I can worship God. Singing, taking care of my family, loving people, helping someone, reading my Bible, encouraging someone who needs it (and maybe someone who doesn't), and even smiling at someone who looks like they could use a smile are ways I can worship God. I believe it's putting Him first in whatever He has called me to do and being aware of His presence in my life.

I have not had a "job" in over 25 years now. Although I have been busy nearly every day of those 25 years I have to say I'm unemployed on any type of application. If only they knew~! I have gone through times of feeling unimportant and like I am not fulfilling a purpose. Several years ago when some of my friends went back to school and started training for various vocations I had to deal with it once again. They were doing something "important" and then here am I. I lost my joy until I realized that what I am doing is important too. It's important to God because that is what He has called me to do at this time in my life. It is important to my husband and children and maybe even others I have been able to help in some small way because I am not "employed" so to speak. This is one way I can worship God.

Worship is huge. Psalm 145:1 "I lift you high in praise, my God, O my King! and I'll bless your name into eternity. 2 I'll bless you every day, and keep it up from now to eternity. 3 God is magnificent; he can never be praised enough. There are no boundaries to his greatness."

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Spellchecker On

Donald and I took a ride this afternoon. We used to do that quite regularly when we were wishing for a larger home. Part of the motivation was just to get out of the house. All seven of us lived in a too small home and after a while you just needed out. So we would ride around and look for houses and covet in our hearts for what others had. Then we would resignedly return to our too small home until our next ride.

In His timing God blessed us with a larger home where we aren't crowded wall to wall and floor to ceiling. We have filled up most of this wonderful space in the course of the eleven years we have been here. However we don't ride around and wish for others' homes. The reason for the ride today was to view the river which is very high due to so much rain over the past month or so. Now maybe we just need to "get a life" but it was fun and I saw some great sights that I hadn't noticed before.

One was a beauty shop called the "Curl Up and Dye." I enjoyed that until we passed the "End Time Fellowship" on down the road. I don't think that would be the place for me. I don't worry about the end times as I believe God has all that under control and since I belong to Him He will take care of me. But to each his own.

I was so engrossed in my good time that I failed to notice the sign with the misspelled word. When you enter our fair city from the north and south one particular hotel has a huge sign that advertises a free continetal breakfast. Come on now, if you are going to spend all that money on those signs can't you have a proofreader to make sure the words are spelled correctly???? I wonder how many people besides myself have noticed that they left a "n" out of continental?? At least Donald didn't have to listen to me griping about the misspelling this time.

Now I've probably misspelled a word since I commented on the sign. I hope the spellchecker does its job. I think I've done mine.

More Grace

It is not our love for God; it is God's love for us in sending his Son to be the way to take
away our sins. 1John 4:10

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Friday, July 6, 2007

Rhythms of Grace

While watching "What Not to Wear" I got an idea from a commercial. Now usually commercials bore me unless it's the Sonic ones or I'm watching basketball. Some of the funniest ones are shown during basketball games; maybe other sports fall into this category also, but I wouldn't know about that as I just watch basketball. BTW, I'm really missing basketball.

Back to the commercial (I get easily sidetracked if you haven't noticed). It was a commercial trying to sell me a "bender ball." Now this amazing ball will let me exercise with "Selective Stabilization." Besides that it's a $40 value for only the amazing price of $9.99 plus shipping and handling. Even though I can live without the ball I was contemplating the idea of "selective stabilization." I think that's what I've needed the past few days.

Maybe it's all the cloudy days and rain without much sunshine, but I've been unsettled. I'm finding it hard to concentrate and even get started on projects that I need to complete. I desperately wanted outdoors yesterday and even ventured out in the rain to a few stores; it did absolutely nothing for my restlessness though. I need to be stabilized, steady, firm in my emotions and decisions. As usual, I need Jesus.

I found my answer in Matthew Chapter 11. (The Message)
27 Jesus resumed talking to the people, but now tenderly. "The Father has given me all these things to do and say. This is a unique Father-Son operation, coming out of Father and Son intimacies and knowledge. No one knows the Son the way the Father does, nor the Father the way the Son does. But I'm not keeping it to myself; I'm ready to go over it line by line with anyone willing to listen. 28 "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. 29 Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. 30 Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."

This is my desire, my prayer, my focus for today.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Redolent with Life

15 I'm no longer calling you servants because servants don't understand what their master is thinking and planning. No, I've named you friends because I've let you in on everything I've heard from the Father. 16 "You didn't choose me, remember; I chose you, and put you in the world to bear fruit, fruit that won't spoil. John 15:15-16 (The Message)

Isn't it incredible that Jesus lets us in on everything He has heard from God the Father?? Wow~! I guess we should really pay attention to what He says. I want to bear fruit that won't spoil, don't you? Anything spoiled really stinks. Sometimes my attitude stinks. I mean really
stinks. I looked up stink in the Merriam-Webster online thesaurus and this is what it says:

Entry Word: stink Function: noun Text: a strong unpleasant smell Synonyms reek, stench
Related Words acridness, fetidness, foulness, fustiness, malodorousness, mustiness, rancidity, rankness, staleness; badness, vileness; dirt, dirtiness, filth, filthiness, nastiness; odor, redolence, scent, sniff

I don't see any word listed above that I want to be identified with. They all stink~! However if you continue further to the antonym part this is what it says:

Near Antonyms floweriness, lusciousness, savoriness, spiciness, sweetness; bouquet; ambrosia
Antonyms aroma, fragrance, perfume

Left alone, I fall into the synonym category. It's only in Christ that I can be what I want to be.
Because of Christ, we give off a sweet scent rising to God, which is recognized by those on the way of salvation - an aroma redolent with life. (2 Corinthians 2:15) The Message

Even the word "redolent" means 1 : exuding fragrance 2 a : full of a specified fragrance

I want my fragrance to be that of Christ. It's not always, but that is what I am aiming for. Its the little things that really pull me down. Left alone, I can't even manage my attitude~!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

A Story

I was looking through some documents on our computer and ran across this story Hannah wrote for me. It was an English assignment, and I don't remember the specifics. Although the storyline was changed and some of the circumstances, I was totally captivated by my "prince" in real life~!

Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess named Sarah. Sarah lived with her parents and her younger brother, Teddy. Although Sarah was a princess, no one could know. So she went to a normal school, had friends, and enjoyed helping her father pick cotton out in the fields. One day as Sarah was at work, an extremely handsome man entered the store. His long wavy hair flustered along his face. Sarah was in awe of this gorgeous person. His crest white smile filled the room. Princess Sarah was very sad when he left. "I wonder what his name was. such a beautiful person has to have a beautiful name.". The day ended and Sarah couldnt seem to let herself forget about this strangely wonderful man. Several days went on. She gazed at the door for several days as she was at work, but he didnt come. One day as Sarah was working with all lost hopes, suddenly this man walks through the door once more. His hair blowing with the wind. Sarah felt as if she was going to faint. Out of nowhere the man comes up to the counter, "Hello, do you happen to have any hair gel??" Sarah was so shocked, and at that moment, the man said "I'm Donald, whats your name?" Sarah could hardly speak "Sss.a.Sarah." Donald just stared. "do you want to go get some donuts on your next break?" Sarah didnt hesitate for a minute "YES! I mean, um, Sure." Donald and Sarah had a wonderful date. In fact, it went so wonderful that they had many more. One night Sarah and Donald were out on a date. Sarah had been dreading this night. "Donald, I must tell you something." said Sarah "oh, okay." "I'm a princess. I cant just marry anyone. I'm sorry, I would have told you sooner, but I just couldnt bring myself up to say it." there was a moment of silence and then "THATS WONDERFUL! See, my father is the King, and I have been dreading the night I was to tell you that I was to marry a princess." Much more was said and many hugs were given. Several months went by and the lovely couple were married! They had 5 beautiful children. God told Sarah that she was to homeschool her children. For what reason she did not know. But she was obediant and did so. Sarah has given up many things for her children. And so has Donald. Although they saw themselves in a Castle doing everything they wanted to do, God had different plans in store for them, They were always faithful and obediant to their God. And they are still living happily ever after. The End

Monday, July 2, 2007

Because of Him

"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail." Lamentations 3:22 (NIV)

I love this verse. It especially has great meaning right this moment. Last night everything looked so troublesome, trials poured high, hardly a way of escape. I felt so weary and discouraged. Today everything has changed. Not the troubles and trials and worries, just my perspective of them. God can do that for you. I'm so glad I belong to

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