Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A Work in Progress

Now while this may sound like a paid advertisement I can assure you it is not. I am just very happy to be a part of our church fellowship. Besides, this is my blog and I can write what I please. :o) We may be small, but we have an awesome body of Christian believers and we do quite a few things for a church our size.

We started a Celebrate Recovery group the first of this year. We have seen lives literally changed by God's power and presence. When I started CR I really thought I was just there to serve. Boy was I wrong. I don't care who you are, if you are breathing you have something in your life that God wants to free you from and change your life. Some of us struggle more than others, but I am convinced we all struggle. I have grown so much closer to people I have known for years; I also have made new close friends. We meet every Tuesday night at 7:00 p.m. at our church.

Speaking of our church ;o))))) [that's a really big grin by the way] check out our website. It is awesome~! Be sure your speakers are on because the music is so cool. Our pastor's wife has done this; Pastor Paul calls her "the creative genius behind it all."
It is a work in progress so keep on checking it out. It is also listed under my favorites as Christian Fellowship Church.

And now for my song for the day. (I kinda sound like a dj here, don't I? Maybe I just found my calling in life after I'm finished homeschooling. LOL)

One thing I ask
One thing I seek
That I may dwell in your house O Lord
All of my days, all of my life,
That I may see you Lord

Hear me O Lord
Hear me when I cry
Lord do not hide your face from me
You have been my strength
You have been my shield
And you will lift me up

One thing I ask
One thing I desire
Is to see you
Is to see you

(One Thing I Ask; Mercy Vineyard Publishing)

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