I'm still reading "Facing Your Giants" by Max Lucado. I like the book, it's just with school and responsibilities I don't have much time to read. When I do have a few minutes to relax I usually turn on the TV to some old reruns or watch NYPD Blue that I've recorded. I really like that show; I think I've mentioned that before~!
Max is talking about David and his relationship with God. Now Saul was wanting to take his life so he definitely had reason to have something on his mind. He messed up at times; that's what I like about the Bible. God tells us about their failures as well as their successes. I know me, and if God only told me about their victories I would get discouraged very quickly. David was called a man after God's own heart, yet he blew it many times.
There is a chapter entitled "Dry Seasons." He makes a comment, "Make God your refuge.....Let Him encircle you.......Let him be the ceiling that breaks the sunshine, the walls that stop the wind, the foundation on which you stand." In another chapter he says this, "Christ lived the life we could not live and took the punishment we could not take to offer the hope we cannot resist."
How many times do I resist because I'm more concerned about what I want than want He wants for me. Just this weekend I had a serious battle of my will versus what I knew He wanted me to do. Now all along, I knew I was going to do what I should, but I sure resisted and struggled with a bad attitude for a while. After I obeyed I realized it really wasn't that big of a deal; I had just made it one in my mind. Our giants can even be our own attitude. Facing them can bring victory in our lives.
Matthew 11:28 (The Message)
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest."
I'm tired of religion, I just want Him.
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