When it was really cold I felt so sorry for our cats. Every time we would go outside Arnold would try to run in underneath our feet. When he had a broken leg a couple of years ago he was allowed to stay indoors; at least until the cast came off (vet's orders....why pay a couple hundred dollars for the cat and not do what he said?). He would make a great inside cat. He and Bright (our golden retriever) get along superbly. I so wanted to let them inside, but Donald said no. Stone cold heart, huh? Well, maybe he was right.
Today is warm and I have the windows open. The cats are still wanting in. They stand at the door and look in and go to the windows and try to get through the screens. It's 67 degrees so I know they aren't cold. They just want inside. I guess their reasoning is that the dog is indoors so they should be also.
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