Rebekah, Bethany, Ben, and Daniel just left for San Antonio. It sure is quiet around here. Donald had to go back to work, and Hannah, Bright, and I are going to run some errands. Bright hates it when someone is not home. He knows when someone is about to leave and he get depressed while they are gone. I kid you not. So we will have to give him lots of attention the next few days. A few car rides will make him happy also.
I guess I'm just about as bad as he is. I'm glad they are getting to go, but I sure hated to see them walk out the door. Of course, Ben came back in a couple of times before they drove off as he forgot some things. He had a class this morning, so when he got home everyone was ready and waiting.
Our computer monitor wouldn't come on this morning. Ben hooked up my new flat screen TV to the computer and we can get Internet access so I'm sure the problem is the monitor. I started to get upset, but then remembered to thank and praise God. It sure helps beat the stress. I'm going to see if I can get it checked out this afternoon before we buy a new one. Maybe it's something simple.
I told Donald I am NOT losing my TV to the computer though. But it is nice to have it work as a backup. Guess I better clean up the kitchen and be ready to leave in a bit. I did ask Ben who I would cook for while he's gone. (He always gives me hugs and tells me he loves me while I'm cooking!) He said since he was gone I didn't have to cook. Wasn't that nice of him??
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