These are Donald and me and our parents (and his siblings). Donald is in the one at the top in the middle and he is one of the twins on the right or middle; his mom wasn't sure which one is Donald and which one is Ronald. Donald's parents are on the bottom right. I am on the bottom left and it is my dad beside me. He served in WWII and fought in the Battle of the Bulge. My parents are the small ones at the top.
Hannah always sees something in a different way when she takes photos. Thanks for the wonderful pictures, sweetie.
I only have two color pictures on my walls in our bedroom. The one above we found at Burlington Coat Factory. I love daffodils as we had tons every spring when I was at home. The black frames and reddish color make it perfect for over our bed. If you look closely in the bottom left of it you can see Hannah taking the picture for me. Awesome!
This is the other "color" in our bedroom. It is favorite pictures of our kids when they were little. Benjamin (bottom left) always loved Big Red. He wore his cap backwards and had a red moustache. The boys always wore a cap or hat of some kind along with their boots and holsters. I was one of those mothers who said her boys would not play with guns. I soon learned anything could be a gun. I have a friend who said her sons would bite their toast into the shape of a gun and "shoot" each other across the table. God puts it in a man to protect and I soon let them have their toy guns.
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