I'm still (cough, cough, cough) around. Not much going on , (cough, cough) unless I mention that (cough) Ben has the flu. And I'm still coughing. At least I haven't coughed my tonsils out......yet. I think I may have pulled a muscle in my chest though and the top of my head has felt like it was going to explode during each of my coughing fits. I wonder if you can die during one of these episodes; no, I don't think I really want to know. Right now I'll just focus on breathing.

Poor Ben, he feels so bad. Our NP called in some Tamiflu for him. I hope it works. He still has temperature; I woke him up for his medicine and more Tylenol and hopefully he can get some more sleep. He has to eat when he takes the flu medicine so I made him breakfast and served him in bed. In between coughing fits that is. No Chemistry today.
I have finished my antibiotics. I guess I'll see if I need more when I take Daniel in to have his staples removed later this week. He has been such a trooper. Either he just doesn't complain or his head really isn't bothering him that much.
With me it's a different story. I do not believe in suffering in silence. If I feel bad I want you to know about it. I'm sure you have a hard time telling that from my blog!
We appreciate your prayers. February has been a hard month for us. God is still in control and taking care of things. Here's my song for today.......
Andrae Crouch - I Don't Know Why Jesus Loves Me
I Don't Know Why Jesus Loved Me
i Don't Know Why He Cared
i Don't Know Why He Sacrificed His Life
oh, But I'm Glad, So Glad He Did
he Left His Mighty Throne In Glory
to Bring To Us Redemption's Story
then He Died But He Rose Again
oh, But I'm Glad, So Glad He Did.
Where Would I Be If Jesus Didn't Love Me?
where Would I Be If Jesus Didn't Care?
where Would I Be If He Hadn't Sacrificed His Life
oh, But I'm Glad, So Glad He Did
1 comment:
Dr Salas prescribed this for Ryan and it knocked his flu out in 2 days. However, I've heard a lot of people say it really hurt their stomachs. Hopefully it will help Ben! We'll be thinking of him.
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