I haven't been to Wednesday night Life Group in a while. I had forgotten how totally awesome it is. Life Group is such an appropriate name for it!
Pastor Paul called us "graced ones" last night. What an incredible fact. I love it when something true like that sinks in and I know beyond a doubt that it is a reality in my life. I love it when God speaks to me that way. Often times I have to ponder it and pray about it and it takes a while to sink in. That's okay as long as it eventually sinks in. But I am blown away when God does what only He can do. We have learned about grace and it is a life-changing experience when you get it. I realize it's true whether we understand it or not, but to change our lives I think we need a revelation from God. I am thankful He desires to do that for us.
While praying Pastor Paul said these words "engulfed by you," meaning God, of course. That immediately gave me something huge to think about. I haven't gotten it, but I desire it. Now I am terrified of the water and can't swim a stroke, but I immediately envisioned a great wave sweeping me away. I wasn't afraid! Now I used to be afraid to totally surrender my life to God; I was afraid He would send me to Africa. (You can laugh, but I'm being honest.)
I started reading "Hinds Feet on High Places" again last week. I realized I have grown so much since the last time I read that book. I can relate to Much Afraid in the first chapter because I have lived that way. It's a horrible place to live. Knowing the Great Shepherd brings so much joy and peace and freedom in our lives. I think that's why being swept away by the wave in my mind didn't frighten me. Now I haven't gotten it yet; it's one of those things to ponder over. But the possibilities are so exciting! And I'm not afraid, at least not today.
That's another thing grace has done for me. I can live in today and not worry about tomorrow.
God is so incredible!
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