I have a job interview Friday. It's really just a part time job, but I basically set my own hours. I won't post any details until I meet with the lady and know something for certain. It's been almost 30 years since I've had a job interview. I'm not nervous; at least I'm not nervous yet.
God is so amazing. I had been thinking about working part time again, but really couldn't handle 20-30 hours a week yet. I still have two in school and am needed at home. I also have my yard work now and have to keep on top of that, especially the watering part. I already know that an in ground sprinkler is definitely on my "things I desire" list. Back to my story; I'm really bad about digressing. I really had just been thinking about it (the part time job, not the sprinkler), but hadn't checked into anything. I figured it would be a year or two down the road. My cousin emailed me and asked if I would be interested in a part time job with a company that she works for. I talked to Donald and decided to check into it. The lady called this morning and will in town Friday so I'm to meet her.
Whether or not it works out or I even accept is beside the point. The point is God arranged this for me. Psalm 139:16 says: Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, The days of my life all prepared before I'd even lived one day. (The Message)
Guess what?? I have my very own "The Message" Bible. Pastor Paul gave it to me! I love reading verses in it. It just opens up a whole new way of thinking about verses that I've read for a long time. It seems I think about them the way I've always thought each time I read them. Now I can have a different perspective. Verse 14 of the same Psalm says, "I thank you, High God - you're breathtaking!"
That can't be the same plant I saw. It looked dead last time I saw it. It is sooooooo pretty now. You are doing a wonderful job with your yard. From your CR partner.
love you!!!
Yes, it is. So you totally understand my little dance, huh? Love you too!
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