Saturday, September 29, 2007
brisket and cherry diet coke

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
A Work in Progress
We started a Celebrate Recovery group the first of this year. We have seen lives literally changed by God's power and presence. When I started CR I really thought I was just there to serve. Boy was I wrong. I don't care who you are, if you are breathing you have something in your life that God wants to free you from and change your life. Some of us struggle more than others, but I am convinced we all struggle. I have grown so much closer to people I have known for years; I also have made new close friends. We meet every Tuesday night at 7:00 p.m. at our church.
Speaking of our church ;o))))) [that's a really big grin by the way] check out our website. It is awesome~! Be sure your speakers are on because the music is so cool. Our pastor's wife has done this; Pastor Paul calls her "the creative genius behind it all." http://cfcparis.com
It is a work in progress so keep on checking it out. It is also listed under my favorites as Christian Fellowship Church.
And now for my song for the day. (I kinda sound like a dj here, don't I? Maybe I just found my calling in life after I'm finished homeschooling. LOL)
One thing I ask
One thing I seek
That I may dwell in your house O Lord
All of my days, all of my life,
That I may see you Lord
Hear me O Lord
Hear me when I cry
Lord do not hide your face from me
You have been my strength
You have been my shield
And you will lift me up
One thing I ask
One thing I desire
Is to see you
Is to see you
(One Thing I Ask; Mercy Vineyard Publishing)
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Only Your Hairdresser Knows for Sure........

Monday, September 24, 2007
friends and flip flops

Saturday, September 22, 2007
Laura Norder

I received an email this morning. The person was needing "chester"drawers. Now I don't know if it's because my hearing isn't that good or if it's where I grew up, but I have heard this one before. I actually found this http://www.yourdictionary.com/library/mispron.html online. Some I had heard, some enlightened me, and a few I have used incorrectly. I would like to set the record straight though: these listed I no longer use incorrectly.
These are some of the ones I knew:
1. Old-timer's disease for Alzheimer's disease
2. bob wire for barbed wire (now I am guilty of saying this one; in fact it was years before I knew the difference, but then I'm from small town Texas)
3. chester drawers for chest of drawers
4. duck tape for duct tape (once again I am guilty of this one)
5. prostrate for prostate (I've heard this on NYPD Blue, maybe they meant to use it that way)
6. sherbert for sherbet (guilty as charged)
There were a couple that enlightened me.
1. card shark for cardsharp
2. chomp at the bit for champ at the bit
3. spitting image for spit and image
And finally these are the ones I found funny:
1. Heineken remover for Heimlich maneuver
2. Laura Norder for law and order
What is the point in all this? I haven't a clue. At least I have something to blog about. But now I know not to say I'm chomping at the bit or she's the spitting image of her mother. Does anyone have a chester drawers??
Friday, September 21, 2007
The Demise of Mordecai
On a brighter note, I finally got my new comforter set in the mail today. It's gorgeous~! Rebekah had gotten sheets for me for Christmas from Linen and Things. Before long they got the little balls of stuff on them and I emailed the company. She paid way too much for them for that to happen. I actually got my money back in the form of a gift certificate so I ordered online.
Now I have to decide what color to paint my bedroom. I guess I'll consult my decorator, Vicki. She is awesome and helped me decide on the colors for my living room and kitchen/dining room. I absolutely love it. Bethany has repainted their bathroom, Ben repainted theirs, so I have to keep up with them. I love my dark blue in our bedroom, but it's time for a change. It's been over a year now since I've been in the mood to paint. After redoing the living room, halls, kitchen and dining rooms I tackled my kitchen cabinets. So I was pretty much tired of painting. I spent most of last summer cleaning, sanding, priming, and painting my cabinets. We replaced the hardware and Donald rehung the cabinet doors for me. This summer I decided to relax. Well, actually I didn't get around to much relaxing, but I didn't paint. I'm sure Donald will be thrilled when he hears of my big plans.
He says our rooms are getting smaller because we have so many coats of paint on them~! Maybe it will keep my mind off Mordecai.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
it can Really happen

Those of you who know me also know that I am NOT a hair person. I do not have a knack for doing hair. Heck, I had trouble with my daughters' ponytails when they were young. I'm afraid this has also affected my own appearance. Now to be honest I guess I haven't really worried about it too much. I had perms for years so all I had to do was wash and go. That is definitely my kind of hairstyle.
But I finally got tired of perms and since my hair was damaged I let it grow out and opted for a shorter look. Now this was okay, but it did require much more care on my part. I learned to use a curling iron and only burned myself a number of times. Lately I have just let my hair grow and honestly didn't know what I wanted to try to do with it. I have experimented with Rebekah's straightener or whatever you call it.
I had an appointment with Nancy yesterday. She has done my hair for 20 years at least. She is awesome and really knows what she's doing (not at all like me). I went in and told her I didn't know what I wanted except I didn't want a perm. I also told her I had been experimenting with the straightener. She looked at me and said something that I am still marveling over. She said," I am impressed. It looks good." Now she has never ever said anything even similar to that over the past 20 years~! So she did a little bit of cutting around my face so I would look "sassy" and I left in a rather smug manner.
So now here I am with a look I'm not even sure I can handle. I'm not even sure I can pull it off. Life is good.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I have been listening to a CD of Scott Windrum of Windsong Ministries. This CD was actually from 2004, but the Word was good for today also. He mentioned being "captured by Jesus." Isn't it awesome that Jesus would go to all the trouble to capture us while we are going our own way and doing our own thing? What an awesome God we have~! I know I need capturing each and every day. I need His peace and His presence. Even the little I have experienced God, I know I don't want to live without Him. There are far too many hurts, disappointments, and trials to try to go it alone. But I still forget and try it on my own far too often. That's when I need capturing.
I love 2 Timothy 2:13;
If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
Striving for Excellence

Saturday we spent 5 hours trying to find a new satellite signal to continue receiving our HomeSat classes. Their provider moved their signal; thus we had to reposition our satellite to pick up the new signal. I don't even like to think about doing that, much less actually be in the middle of it. Tension and frustration seem to sum it up, along with a few tears on my part. Thankfully this is the first time in over eight years we've had to do that so I guess we're doing pretty good.
Yesterday was another great Sunday. Pastor Paul spoke on excellence. Now almost immediately my semi-reformed perfectionist self thought about perfection. That is NOT what excellence is.
He had quotes on excellence and this one really helped me understand what he was saying:
"I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence, I can reach for; perfection is God's business." Michael J. Fox
"Excellence is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well." --- John W. Gardner
Now since I spend my life doing ordinary things this one really spoke to me. I am convinced I need to take this to heart and put it into practice. Doing a little research of my own I found this quote by Aristotle: "With regard to excellence, it is not enough to know, but we must try to have and use it."
Now I like to do my best usually, but for some reason I have let a lot of things slip and am becoming mediocre in so many things. I have lots of reasons I can use to excuse this; however I am convinced my cobwebs have to go~! I actually just look at them now instead of taking care of them. "Oh well" has become one of my favorite sayings the past few years.
As a semi-reformed perfectionist I seem to have swung too far the other direction. Finding the balance in things has always been hard for me. However I do know I need to strive for excellence. I'm not quite sure when the cobwebs will be taken care of, but at least I have a goal.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Did I Really Say That?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Remember Nebuchadnezzar?
This morning there is a good report; he was able to voluntarily move his arms and legs when partially awakened. Now they believe he will walk. Praise God~! However there is something that bothers me. Dr. Andrew Cappuccino was quoted as saying: "We may be witnessing a minor miracle." (Now I don't believe there is any such thing as a "minor" miracle, but I give the guy credit for thinking about this outside himself and his skills.) However Dr. Barth Green, chairman of the department of neurological surgery at the University of Miami school of medicine said this: "I don't know if I would call it a miracle. I would call it a spectacular example of what people can do," Green said. "To me, it's like putting the first man on the moon or splitting the atom. We've shown that if the right treatment is given to people who have a catastrophic injury that they could walk away from it."
That makes me really sad. God does a miracle and men take credit for it. You can read about it if you want at: http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/7216176
I guess if I could speak to this guy I would say, "Remember, Nebuchadnezzar?" Then I would ask him to read Daniel 4. This probably wouldn't be the way to show God's love to the guy, but it was my first thought. Anyway, I'm glad the football player is doing better. And remember it is no minor miracle~!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Meet Mordecai

He seems to be very happy in his new home which is much larger than the little cup he called home at the pet store. I have proudly displayed him on my cabinet and have introduced him to each of our family members. Welcome home, Mordecai.
Life Meets Reality

I'm afraid the last one is usually what gets me. It happened last night in fact when I tried to make a choice to worship instead of worrying about a particularly frustrating situation. I was misunderstood and of course my first thought was that this doesn't work. I was relying on my feelings. I just don't feel like worshipping today, but that doesn't matter. He is worthy of my worship and praise regardless of the situation or how I feel. I want to obey so I will choose to worship Him.
God is magnificent; he can never be praised enough. There are no boundaries to his greatness. (The Message)
Monday, September 10, 2007
You Do What????

I did something last night that I haven't done in twenty-five plus years. I went bowling. You know the game where the round ball has three holes and you try to knock over the pins down this loonngg lane without falling over the line while remembering to let go of the ball. Being extremely uncoordinated I wasn't expecting so much fun~!
Our kids' youth group went bowling and we tagged along because some good friends of ours were hosting it. I hadn't even considered bowling; I was just going along for the fun. Billy asked me at church if I would bowl and I guess it got me thinking it might be fun.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
My Hannah

I suppose of all our children Hannah and I have had the most battles. When she was younger I said that she gave "strong-willed" a new meaning. Now that can be a very positive thing and I have seen that displayed in her life. When she sets her mind to something she does it. Whether it's from having a good attitude to schoolwork to having fun, she's a pro.
I've wondered if the reason we often clash is because we are alike. (Hannah, I am NOT talking about looks, okay??) Growing up I struggled with always wanting to be right. I guess if I'm honest I still struggle. I have mellowed somewhat and have learned to yield at times. I also have had lots of practice asking for forgiveness; especially from my children. A perfectionist mom who likes to be right can cause lots of havoc in the home.
As I've gotten older I've realized that so many of the things I thought had to be a certain way doesn't. My house doesn't have to be spotless, I've learned to let some things go, and I've learned to laugh. Laughter is definitely from God; I only wish my kids had seen me laugh more when they were younger.
I'm grateful for all our wonderful children. This post is for Hannah. You are a beautiful young lady and I am so proud of who you are and who you are growing up to be. Just remember.......
"Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track." Proverbs 3:6 (The Message)
Friday, September 7, 2007
Year Number 23, But Who's Counting???

Thursday, September 6, 2007
Life as a Mission
(1) Make your life a mission, not an intermission.
(2) Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
(3) Talk is cheap; the supply always exceeds the demand.
(Based on 1 Samuel 2:3 "Do not keep talking so proudly or let your mouth speak such arrogance, for the Lord is a God who knows, and by him deeds are weighed. " NIV)
As Christians, I believe we really need to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. It is so easy to spiritualize everything; and miss out entirely on the life Jesus died to give us. Life isn't always easy, but He can be trusted. He will give us joy and peace in the midst of the storms. It's up to us to decide whether we'll receive it. Let's walk in it and not just talk about it.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Every day, it's You I live for
Every day, I'll follow after You
Every day, I'll walk with You, my Lord
(Everyday/Sonic Flood)
I'm glad I have it for today, but I sure could of used it yesterday. To start our school day off we had to deal with a stopped up toilet. Just plunging wasn't working, so it took a while plus towels and bath mats to be washed later. Thankfully Ben was able to get it unstopped after he saw I wasn't handling it too well. Then there was the Algebra lesson to redo and the Geography test that didn't go well; Hannah and I both were ready for summer break. Since we just started school last week that isn't going to happen any time soon. Also there was the regular stuff: school, appointment, school, errands, school, laundry, school, cleaning, school, cooking, and did I mention school?? Then there was more school. It was one of those days that makes me want to rethink this whole homeschooling thing. So here we are today, beginning another day of school.
I'm so glad His mercies are new every morning.
Psalms 117:2
His love has taken over our lives; God's faithful ways are eternal. Hallelujah!
(The Message)
Monday, September 3, 2007
Awesome God

This was the title of Pastor Paul's message yesterday. He asked us some questions about this statement.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Pictures from my aspiring photographer....