Friday, August 29, 2008

just say no

I really dislike shopping for myself. I also hate spending money on clothes for myself. I don't have any problem spending it on Donald or the kids. I don't have trouble spending it on the yard or for something inside the house. I just don't like parting with it for clothes for me. Part of that may be that I have trouble finding things that fit. Maybe I'm an odd size or maybe I just don't have patience to try on very many items. I usually try on a couple of items and get frustrated and leave.

I was in a store day before yesterday browsing. I can wear jeans/capris to work but not t-shirts with words. That leaves me with not much that's comfortable that I can wear to work. Now I am definitely a jeans/t-shirt type of gal so I went looking for blouses that would be comfortable and go with my jeans or capris. I found a 70% off rack with an additional 33 1/3 % off. That almost sounds like they were paying me to take it off their hands, er... racks. I tried on a couple and they fit but I walked out without buying. (See I definitely have a problem here!) I did hang them where I could easily find them in case I went back. After talking with Donald he said I needed to go buy them. So after lunch yesterday I went back and found the ones I had tried on the day before right where I had left them. I went through the rack again and found a few others. I kept seeing a pair of capris that were my size hanging on a rack by themselves with the sale stickers on them. Eventually I took them into the dressing room and tried them on. They fit perfectly!

I ended up getting the capris and six blouses for $38.11. Now that's my kind of shopping, even if it did take me two days to spend it.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

song in my heart

As we lift up our hands
Will you meet us here?
As we call on your name
Will you meet us here?
We have come to this place
To worship you
God of mercy and grace

It is you
We adore
It is you
Praises are for
Only you
The heaven's declare
It is you
It is you

Holy, holy is our God Almighty
Holy, holy is his name alone
Holy, holy is our God Almighty
Holy, holy is his name alone

It Is You / Newsboys

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

what you've been waiting for...or not

my baby (photo by Hannah)
Sweet potato vines from Conniespreading after the rains
pieces of stone for a bench
What doesn't belong? Can you find it?? Look closely.
Aha, this is it! No, it will not stay there and I will NOT plant anything in it. We have a new commode in our bathroom and this is the old one.

Before picture

See my table and chairs?? We had a fundraiser at church and bought chances on several different Home Interior items. This was what I wanted; coveted is really a better word. I didn't win it though! :o(

I really was sad, but glad that our pastor's wife had won it. My attitude was, "Well, if I can't have it I'm glad someone I love won it." I know that wasn't the best attitude, but I was trying. I came home from work after my first day and it was in my dining room! Susan had given it to me~! I felt so bad because I had really wanted it and Susan knew that. (In fact, I think everyone at church knew I wanted it.) I got a "talking to" from Connie on receiving, because I said I couldn't keep it. After talking to Susan I felt a lot better about her gift and now it is proudly sitting on my little patio area.

This is my first garden ornament. It is a gift from Barb who helped me tons with my yard. I absolutely love it.
These are my RED dwarf crepe myrtles. I was really bummed because they obviously aren't red but decided since they were thriving and ALIVE I had better keep them. Pam told me they go well with my four o'clocks so I feel a lot better about them.

God has provided more plants for my new flower bed. I am still amazed at His provision!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

life and faith

I am still around; I've just been too busy and haven't had time to blog. I was talking to Connie tonight and she pointed out that no one had updated recently. My walkway is almost finished and I have pictures. Hannah will have to download them for me. I hope they turn out. I realized tonight I need to build a small walkway by the driveway. When you park two cars there you step in the flower bed getting out of the car. Nothing like hindsight and getting out of the car at night when you can't see where you're stepping.

We started school yesterday. I realized this weekend that I had to get BUSY. I hadn't even thought about school outside of what I did the first part of June. I had already organized and bought books so I'm okay. A few lesson plans and locating what we need and ta-da I'm finished. Now all I have to do is keep the kids on track, grade papers, and record grades. Oh yes, I have to make tons of copies also.

I have worked the past two days. Yesterday I worked by myself and today I learned some more stuff from my wonderful boss. She's encouraging and easy going and the greatest! Once things are organized and restocked and cleaned out things will be good. Becky is doing that since I have no idea what it is or what to do with it.

Now I'm behind on housework and I really do want to get back in my yard. I'll have the rest of the week to get caught up. I'll leave you with this quote from Celebrate Recovery tonight ..... "Everything comes from God alone. Everything lives by His power."

Erica, thanks for the award. I'll try to get around to that later. If you have no idea what I'm talking about see my last post's comment.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

another project phase II

I actually hauled about a hundred more after this picture was taken.

This is where my walkway will be. See the tree roots??

Bricks.....cleaned and waiting to be placed lovingly in their position.

Donald helped for a while but stepped out of the picture. Ben even got in on the project for a bit. It sure helps because the mortar is old and really comes off easily.

I'm going to take the black edging away and plant some ground cover. Barb's neighbor is going to move some plants and said I can have the ajuga in her front bed. God provides even before I know I'm going to need it!

I started another project Saturday. I officially ended the beginning of it yesterday. Barb, Logan, and I met at 7:00 and hauled brick. Logan was a huge help. We worked without him last week and it sure makes a difference having another person there. Thanks Logan!

I came home and started cleaning brick and continued working on the walkway that I started Saturday. Barb and Shiela came by right after I had started and reminded me to take "before" pictures. I actually thought of it before I started our front yard, but was so disgusted with the way it looked I didn't take any. Now I wish I had.

My hands hurt and I have bruises galore. I thought about taking a picture of my legs for my blog and if I had nice looking legs I probably would. Since the picture isn't here you can easily ascertain that my legs aren't that nice looking!
I was going to move the pile of bricks to the back yard today but it's supposed to rain. Yesterday I just worked in the rain because I was under the tree and it served as my umbrella. God is awesome!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Happy Birthday To You

Today is Donald's birthday! Happy Birthday dear Donald.

I have his dinner cooking in the oven and only have to make the icing for his cake. Things are coming along nicely despite being gone this morning. I had a meeting I had to attend. Last year I totally forgot about it. I was quite pleased with myself that I remembered in spite of my busy week.

I worked all day Tuesday, well from 10:00 to 5:30. My boss is super sweet and really laid back and encouraging. I really like her a lot. My legs were killing me though. I'm not used to standing all day, not on hard floors anyway. I'm sure I'll adjust in time. At times I felt as though my brain cells had withered away or exploded, but I made it and am looking forward to next week.

Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday I spent digging for brick. I have over 700 now. Today is the last day to look for them as they are coming to clean the mess up tomorrow. I wish I had had time to get more, but considering all that has gone on (three birthdays to cook for, a day working, CR, church, and my meeting) I did quite well. I only found out I could go on Monday. Barb and I went together yesterday and it was such a fun day. Actually we went twice, plus she made another trip by herself. She knew a man who lived up in one of the lofts and he said that the building had survived the fire of 1916 and was probably built in the 1880's. It's such a shame it burned to the ground, but I am glad I have bricks that came from there.

It's almost four and I still don't have a birthday gift so I better skedaddle. At least I have a couple of ideas.

I love you, Donald~!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

are you talking to me??

Why is it that hard work makes me feel so good? I mean, I'm tired and sore, but I feel so satisfied. I have been hauling brick. They came from a very old building that burned down and are bigger and heavier than brick you buy now. Three of them are all I can carry at a time and I finally downed it to two, one in each hand. They are solid brick, no holes in these. I had to dig some of them from the rubble but many were just laying there for the taking. I did get permission from the owner so I am not stealing. I actually could say I went rock climbing today. Some were on top of the piles and I just had to have them. I thank God for keeping me safe and providing yet again for our yard.

Speaking of yards, ahem... I was unloading the brick and our neighbor came out to get his mail. He told me I am making quite a showplace! Did I hear that correctly? Really? Are you talking to me? Honestly I can say it made me feel quite good. Our yard has been a desolate barren wasteland for so long. I have NEVER gotten a compliment on our yard... ever. Now I am getting them right and left. I rather like it and appreciate the words of encouragement. I'm sure our neighbors are just glad I'm doing anything for it would look better than it did. I'm very grateful for the rain we've gotten for it's made a huge difference with my plants. I mean I have watered and watered, but it's not the same as a good rain from God.

I think I'm going to lay down a while and watch the Olympics. I've just about decided not to cook dinner either. The boys are going camping and Hannah and Sarah just had Taco Delite so everyone else can fend for themselves or make a sandwich. I've cooked two birthday meals and have another one Friday for it's Donald's birthday. Yes, I'm quite sure I've talked myself into not cooking!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Life is definitely being lived to the fullest at our house this month. Donald's sister and two sons were in for several days. We had a good time with them and his other brother and his wife who live in town. It seems we never see Doug and Patty unless someone is in or the family gets together. We do run into each other occasionally but that's about it. We really ought to do something about that.

They left Saturday morning and I had to get busy preparing for Ben's graduation party. He didn't want a ceremony or anything, just a get together with a few friends. The Franklands graciously hosted it for him and it was absolutely perfect, even down to the weather. Thank you Lord! You are good!

The Heins are in for a vacation. It is always good to see friends, especially the kind you just pick right up where you left off.

Sunday was church and Seekers and a CR meeting after that. I did manage to squeeze a nap into the afternoon though. The downside was I wasn't able to go to sleep Sunday night until the wee hours of the morning.

Yesterday was Ben's birthday! I make whatever the birthday person requests for their birthday dinner. He wanted meatballs and mashed potatoes and lemon and apple pie. He called and asked if his friends he was hanging out with could come eat so I put out some extra meat and peeled a few more potatoes and made some homemade mac and cheese. Andrew, Amanda, Joseph, Meagan, Noah, Josiah, Jeffrey, and Aaron joined our family for dinner. Ben opened his gifts and then they had a great time being together.

Today is Rebekah's birthday! I actually have her birthday dinner in the oven as I start my part time job today. At least I've been too busy to think about it, the job I mean. I made her cake and salad yesterday and have the chicken dish she requested in the oven. I'm not sure what time I'll be home and it takes two and a half hours to bake. We'll have her meal and gifts tonight.

How time flies. Our baby, er.... youngest, (sorry Hannah) will be sixteen in a few months. It seems I've turned around a few times and they are grown. sigh

I'm grateful for what God is doing in each of their lives. I've often told people that He has blessed them in spite of us. Parenting is a hard job sometimes but so worth the rewards.

I love you Ben and Rebekah. Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

the reason why

There is a reason why he has this look of bliss on his face..............

This is the reason............... (a look into how I've spent my free time today!) Bright loves his belly rubs; he doesn't care how you do it as long as you do it.

Thanks to Hannah for the photos. Another great one of me.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

not just barely

We had to have my van towed in to the garage. The guy came out with a charger, but didn't have the tools to get where he needed to get. You have to remove some stuff to even get to the top of the battery and whatever he did to try to charge it wouldn't work. I didn't get it back until Saturday, but it was okay because I used the Camry to do what I needed to do Friday afternoon. Waiting to run errands and a few extra trips were the only inconveniences.

Today has been great. I was able to visit with a dear friend whose birthday is today! It seems visits are too few and far between for my liking. I also was able to get the towing fee repaid by our insurance company and am about to take Daniel to work and look for the rest of what I need for Ben's graduation party.

I am now employed part-time. (gasp, what have I done??) I forget my title but I will be stocking greeting cards for Hallmark at a couple of grocery stores here. After I am trained I can set my own hours as long as the stores are open. The two hours I spent talking to my boss while she explained things was enjoyable. After I got home and started thinking about it all I began to feel a bit (translated "a LOT") overwhelmed. LOL I think it will be okay though. It really is a bit more complicated than merely putting a card in a slot.

Ephesians 1:7 Because of the sacrifice of the Messiah, his blood poured out on the altar of the Cross, we're a free people - free of penalties and punishments chalked up by all our misdeeds. And not just barely free, either. Abundantly free!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Friday, August 1, 2008

rejoicing anyway

Proverbs 16:9
A person may plan his own journey, but the LORD directs his steps.

I am experiencing this verse this morning. After watering my plants and grass I got into my van to go run some errands. NOTHING happened, not a sound, not a light, not even the little anti-theft light that blinks all the time was on. Guess I'm not going anywhere, huh?

I started to get annoyed, but it has turned into a praise and worship session. I realized how God has always blessed me. I have never had car trouble anywhere but at home. I have never had a flat tire except in my garage or driveway. The only time we got stranded was our own fault, we ran out of gas. I'm afraid I didn't handle that one very well. (Donald, notice how I said "we" and not you. :o)

After talking to Donald and checking with insurance for towing and a repair place for prices for a new battery I'm halfway there. Our insurance will pay up to $40 for towing charges. The towing company I called charges $40 to take my van maybe three blocks. The service guy knows us cause they work on our cars. When I called to see if they could put the battery on if I had it towed he remembered I only live a few blocks over. He's going to get a price on the battery and see if he can get someone to just bring it over and put it on! Isn't God good? Whether or not it works out I'm rejoicing, because I see God in this. He cares about ME; He will go the extra mile because He loves me. He loves to make me happy because I'm His! I can depend on Him to meet my needs. Hallelujah!

My plans didn't work out the way I wanted, but God is taking care of it. The reason doesn't matter; even it's just for me to praise Him in it, it's enough. It's a wonderful day!!!