Thursday, May 3, 2007

Note to self: stop trying so hard

On Wednesday nights our pastor has been teaching from the book of Romans. It has been so eye-opening for me. I have read and heard messages on it, but this has been different. I have always found Romans to be a hard book; I think it was because I didn't really believe what God says. I always had to adapt it a bit to include a lot of trying on my part.

For instance........."Justification through Jesus requires no work on our part." Now I knew that, kind of, but spent most of my Christian life trying to please God. So many of my "good works" will count for nothing, because I was trying to earn points and make God happy with me.

This comment has really summed up most of my striving to please God..........
(as Christians) "We have changed the channel into which our energies are directed, but we have not changed the source of those energies." There is absolutely nothing I have to do to please God; Jesus has made me totally acceptable to Him. He delights in me because I am His. I am even liking myself most days~! Now that is another story in itself.

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